Yu Kurosaki

黑崎優「Senko-Ei」R2/SG2 Gyuto
這是 Yu Kurosaki 設計的 SG2 Gyuto,其不銹鋼覆層上帶有“Senko”(閃閃發光)Tsuchime 圖案。包括整個 tsuchime 圖案在內的 jigane 的邊緣經過精美打磨,然後拋光至鏡面效果,然後露出 SG2 鋼芯,該鋼芯經過 63 HRC 熱處理,具有出色的邊緣保持力。邊緣後面極薄,具有漂亮的錐度,確保極佳的切割平滑度。黑崎“Senko-Ei”系列的刀片具有稍微更尖的刀尖。
- 產地(產地):日本福井縣越前市
- 品牌: 黑崎優
- 工匠:黑崎裕
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):R2/SG2
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:63HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 簽名土目(錘擊)
- 鏡面(鏡子)喜歡
- 刀刃長度:210毫米(8.3吋)/240毫米(9.4吋)/270毫米(10.6吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):50mm / 56mm / 59mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.1mm / 2.2mm / 1.9mm
- 中:2.0毫米/2.1毫米/1.9毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質:烏木/雞翅木
- 口:綠色白花木 / 黑色水牛角
- 長度:139毫米/143毫米/149毫米
- 總長:371毫米/408毫米/440毫米
- 重量:180公克(6.35盎司)/220公克(7.76盎司)/242公克(8.53盎司)
- 雕刻標記:日文漢字「 Kurosaki Yu 」(黒崎優)
關於黑崎優 黒崎優
黑崎裕 (Yu Kurosaki) 是一位四十多歲的年輕工匠,現已成為日本領先的刀具製造商之一,因其手工鍛造的刀具(尤其是 Tsuchime 表面處理)贏得了最高獎項和關注。黑崎先生繼承了前幾代越前工匠 700 多年的製刀技藝,將自己的職業生涯專注於製造給人留下難忘印象和令人難以置信的切割樂趣的刀具。 Yu獨特的Tsuchime設計,正如他的Shizuku和Fujin系列中所見,不僅美觀,而且在使食物不易粘在刀片上方面也具有令人難以置信的功能。如今,餘先生小批量手工製作的作品在海外非常受歡迎,以至於他的頂級刀具像 Burrfection Store 中的刀具越來越難買到。
I was immediately in love with the looks of this knife. I was a little skeptical, though, because it doesn't feel (To my fingers, before actually using it) like a laser at the edge--not as thin as I like. I was wrong. This thing absolutely glides through food. The grind is flawless, with almost no micro bevel at all. And with the high polish, it is a true pleasure to use.
Burrfection, as always, is amazing to deal with. Fantastic company. SUPER fast shipping too!
Knife arrived already very sharped, high quality, this is my first Japanese knife, I can feel the difference during my home cooking. Appreciated also the professional delivery and tracking, super fast, will reorder again on your shop in the future !
I am truly impressed by Yu Kurosaki's craftsmanship. The unique finish and the highest grade of quality are truly impressive.
The knife is as sharp as it gets and regular maintenance with a 4000 grid polishing stone and a leather strop keep it that way.
+ Amazing edge retention (with proper use)
+ Sharpness
+ Quality
+ Buffalo horn (which I truly love)
This gyuto is the third piece of the Senko collection I have purchased and I couldn't be happier! It has quickly become one of my most used knives, next to the Santoku.
As for burrfection: Thank you for the reliable, extremely fast delivery and all of that at an amazing price point.