
「毛刺刀」Ryky VG10 63層大馬士革240mm Gyuto
經過多年測試他能拿到的每一把刀,這種特殊的刀型仍然是他的最愛之一。在最終版本獲得批准之前,該配置文件經過了一年多的設計和重新設計。透過增加刀脊厚度和刀「腹部」上方的高度,這款 VG10 版本在使用過程中感覺更加堅固和堅固,而 2.5 毫米的刀脊厚度則增加了刀片的剛度。
這把刀仍然被認為是超輕的,重量僅為 160 克(帶有柚木手柄),並具有 Ryky 規格的輪廓,將受到家庭和專業廚師以及刀具愛好者的讚賞。
最重要的是,Ryky 能夠擁有日本燕三條最著名的不銹鋼刀具製造商之一製造的這些刀具。
- 產地(產地):日本新潟縣燕三條市
- 品牌:Ryky Tran
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):VG10
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:60-61HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:大馬士革(63 層)
- 刀刃長度:240 毫米(9.4 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):48.7mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.5mm
- 中:2.0mm
- 處理
- 形狀: 八角形
- 材質:柚木、雞翅木、優質烏木
- 口:黑色或白色水牛角
- 長度:135毫米
- 總長:390mm
- 重量:
- 柚木:157公克(5.54盎司)
- 雞翅木:163公克(5.75盎司)
- 烏木:170公克(5.99盎司)
- 馬克:Ryky 1 of 250 發行版*
*註:每種手柄類型可生產 250 把刀。每把刀上都印有「1 of 250 Launch Edition」字樣,意思是同一手柄類型的「兩百五十之一」。數字不連續。
I'm a home cook and have been using this knife for a month or so now. Before this, I had only used 210mm Gyuto's. Initially the 240mm felt big and a little intimidating but I quickly got used to the size and it has become my "go to" knife in the kitchen. It breezes through things like butternut squash way better than my other knives. It comes sharp out of the box and with VG 10 steel and the ebony handle, I find it easy to look after. Really happy with it!
Very nice and very sharp
Simply wow!
Extremely sharp out of the box and gorgeous to look at up close. It's my first Japanese knife, and I've tried it, and I'm fairly impressed. I have always used cheap knives but this one is so impressive, just the way you can cut things soo thin. It comes in a nice packaging with a plastic sleeve for the knife. I can easily recommend this!
Definitely a really good knife and aesthetically very pleasing! I've been using this mainly for cutting rolls from hard deep fry rolls to softer rolls made with more delicate ingredients with no issues. When the knife is sharp it's a beast: cuts for rolls, sashimi, and vegetables are very clean. My only personal issue was the weight being a bit too light for its length but this is just a preference and overall I do hope that you get your hands on one of these if in stock!
This is More than a "beginner knife" as some comments referred to it...It's as Good as my Shun (VGMax) or any other VG knives. The packaging resembles the Apple Computers packaging... Very Elegant and Classy. I noticed on a Tojiro video that they had a knife that resembled your knife and it looked like they used the Same knife and just Lazered your brand on it. Things that make you say...hmmm?
Knife came in 5 days, sharp out of box. Wife loves it. Very happy with my first purchase from Burrfection Store