
藤次郎 R2/SG2 小資
這是一把設計用於多種用途的美工刀。作為其廣受歡迎的 DP 系列的升級版,這款小刀由高碳、高合金 R2/SG2 鋼芯製成,熱處理至 63 HRC,並覆蓋 13 鉻不銹鋼。較硬的鋼材使刀片能夠更長時間地保持鋒利,而較薄的後刃可實現光滑的切割性能。總體而言,對於想要在 Tojiro 廣受歡迎的 DP 系列基礎上升級的人來說,這是一個物超所值的選擇。
- 產地(產地):日本新潟縣燕市
- 品牌: 藤次郎
- 型號:F-519 / F-525
- 刀類型:小型
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):R2/SG2
- Jigane(包覆):13 鉻不鏽鋼
- 硬度:63HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:135 公釐(5.3 吋)/150 公釐(5.9 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):27mm / 30mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.7mm / 1.7mm
- 中:1.4mm / 1.5mm
- 處理
- 形狀: 西式
- 材質:增強層壓材料
- 支撐枕:18-8 不鏽鋼
- 長度:102毫米/104毫米
- 總長度:240mm / 260mm
- 重量:65公克(2.29盎司)/82公克(2.89盎司)
- 標記:日文漢字「 Tojiro Powdered High Speed 」(藤次郎粉末ハイsu); “藤次郎日本製造”
Tojiro 是燕三條地區的領先刀具製造商,該地區擁有幾個世紀的製刀傳統。儘管價格非常實惠,但他們的產品的完成度和數量都非常出色。 Tojiro 成立於 50 多年前,將現代技術與傳統工匠方法相結合,是日本不銹鋼刀具的先驅。他們的理念是提高機器效率,同時在品質和表面處理方面尊重傳統。
I recently purchased a Tojiro R2/SG2 Petty knife, (150mm version) from the Burrfection store that has been out of stock for months. The folks at Burrfection sent me an email update reminder as soon as the item was available again. I ordered the knife and it arrived to my destination in the United States a few days later without incident. I was not able to purchase this specific knife model through any vendor in the United States. I've had a chance to use thus knife for about days days now, and it is the sharpest knife that I have every used out of the box, and I have many specialty knives as a comparison. First time using the Burrfection store, and this brand of knife, and would recommend to others.
I've been wanting a petty knife for a little while and my husband ended up getting me one for my birthday. I really enjoy cooking and we have many really good knives, but nothing compares to this one. Not only does it do an amazing job of cutting, it's light, precise and a really beautiful knife. Highly recommended!