
Suehiro 4 件組磨刀套件
4 件組磨刀套件包括:
- Suehiro Cerax 1010 #1000 砂礫石油石
- 末廣梨花 #5000 粒度油石
- 浪速水槽橋 IZ-1111
- 浪速油石架 A-902
關於 Suehiro Cerax 1010 #1000
Cerax 1000 一直是 Ryky 最喜歡的浸泡磨刀石。它們切割速度快,並提供良好的正面回饋,但磨損速度慢。這些已連續三年成為首選。這種磨刀石與優質磨刀石相結合,可為任何刀具提供適合在任何廚房使用的刀刃。使用這種磨刀石時,Ryky 經常使用 Suehiro Rika 5000,這是一種浸泡拋光磨刀石。日本製造
- 產地:日本新潟
- 粒度號:#1000 WA
- 類型:浸泡
- 尺寸:205×73×29毫米(8.1 x 2.9 x 1.1英吋)
- 重量:1000公克(2.2磅)
- 材質:陶瓷
- 包括用於調整的 Nagura
- 包括一個橡膠框架
關於末廣莉香 #5000
Suehiro Rika 5000 是稀有的拋光石之一,它可以為使用者提供良好的回饋,同時保持良好的磨刀速度。磨刀時只需用水即可使用,但預先浸泡 5-10 分鐘可大大提高拋光品質。此磨刀石的切割速度與許多 2000-3000 磨刀石的感覺相似。雖然不像其他5000-6000磨刀石那樣磨損緩慢,但由於其浸泡性質,它不被認為是快速磨損。 Ryky 在他的收藏中保留了一塊破損的 Rika 5000 磨刀石 4 年,並且拒絕更換全新的磨刀石。日本製造
- 產地:日本新潟
- 粒度號:#5000
- 類型: 浸泡
- 尺寸:206 x 73 x 23 毫米(8.11 x 2.87 x 0.91 英吋)
- 重量:670公克(1.47磅)
- 材質:陶瓷
- 磨料材質:白色氧化鋁
- 底座:無底座 (5000-DN)
- 包括用於調整的 Nagura
- 注意:末廣不再將標籤直接印在石材表面。現在它帶有一個由玻璃紙薄膜製成的標籤。
Naniwa 水槽橋是將磨刀石直接放在廚房水槽上方的好方法,方便取水。將磨刀石放在水槽上也能讓事情變得更整潔,清理起來也更容易。不再有水流滿您的檯面或工作台。日本製造
型號 IZ-1111
商品重量:2.45 磅(1.1 公斤)
尺寸:18 英寸 x 6 英寸 x 1.6 英寸(45.72 厘米 x 15.24 厘米 x 4 厘米)
經過多年購買和測試市場上數十種磨刀石支架,這是 Ryky 最喜歡的。它是唯一使用真正不銹鋼硬體和導軌的支架之一。它也是所有磨刀石支架中佔地最寬的之一,這使其成為使用最穩定的磨刀石支架之一。
- 型號A-902
- 材質:TRP、PP、不鏽鋼
- 尺寸:288×76×36毫米
- 可容納以下尺寸的油石:
- 長度:136-218 公釐(5.35 吋 - 8.58 吋)
- 寬度:最大。 76 毫米(3 吋)
Fits perfectly in our bar sink for easy use, as a complete knife sharpening beginner with no experience I found this kit perfect and was easily able to shape several knives in from my kitchen including repairing a very badly dinged up knife returning it to daily use. I would highly recommend.
So, this is my first ever purchase of a sharpening stone/kit anything. It definitely takes skill and practice and I have ways to go but I can sharpen knives! Either way, this was the cheapest kit in the BURRFECTION STORE and that is why I bought it. I love it. It works and I hope to grow with it! I plan on using it as a party favor/gift. If through this whole pandemic I am ever invited over to a friend's house, you can bet that I will bring my kit over and sharpen their knives. With that said, I need to look for some sort of bag to carry them. The box that the kit was shipped in is nice and sturdy but cardboard can only go for so long. I have a bunch of Lululemon totes, I will use those. Either way, no complaints! Love the kit.
This kit is great, I'll be using these whetstones for many years to come. I also purchased a leather strop and it's all very much worth the money to maintain my knives. Many thanks to Ryky for the thoroughness of his reviews and attention to detail. I resonate with his energy and unconventional methods which still produce amazing results! I feel like a professional with the results the stones and strop produce.
From an informative website, to easy ordering and speedy delivery, to quality sharpening gear, I am a very happy customer. Couldn’t ask for any better, thank you!
Items are of expected quality. Packaging was superb. The stone themselves are also very well packaged from factory.