Seki Kanetsugu

關兼繼「Zuiun」R2/SG2 大馬士革 150mm 切助佩蒂
「Zuiun」系列刀具是為慶祝Seki Kanetsugu 成立100 週年而設計的,採用 R2/SG2 高速粉芯鋼製成,經過熱處理和冷處理至62-63 HRC,具有出色的刀刃保持力。這是 Kanetsugu 的最高水平的組裝和飾面,具有幾乎像鏡子一樣的美麗大馬士革覆層。該刀具有漂亮的錐度,具有出色的刀刃幾何形狀。在較硬的 SG2 鋼的支撐下,刀具製造商能夠實現刀刃後部的出色薄度,從而實現出色的切割性能。這把刀有一個特殊的七角(七邊形)手柄,由棕色紫檀木製成,並配有漂亮的馬賽克別針作為裝飾。 「Zuiun」提供了這個價格範圍內最好的整體配合和飾面之一。該系列的所有刀具均裝在一個可愛的泡桐木盒中。
- 產地(產地):日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌: 關兼續
- 型號:9302
- 刀型:切助小刀
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):R2/SG2
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:62-63HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:大馬士革
- 刀刃長度:150 公釐(5.9 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):30mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.7mm
- 中:1.6毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:七角(七邊形)
- 材質:棕色紫檀木
- 裝飾:馬賽克別針
- Kuchiwa:帶白環的黑色紫檀
- 長度:121毫米
- 總長度:278mm
- 重量:76公克(2.68盎司)
- 馬克(前):日文漢字「瑞雲」; 《醉雲》
- 標記(背面):日文漢字“ Seki Kanettsugu ”(關兼次); “SPG2粉末高速不銹鋼”; “日本製造”
- 附泡桐盒
關兼續於 1918 年由劍匠兼續的後裔河村松二郎創立,他於 1345 年首次開始製作刀劍。將 Seki 的刀具製造傳統與「零度以下工藝」等新方法相結合,Seki Kanatsugu 已成為日本主要的刀具製造商。 2018年,兼繼慶祝百年華誕,推出全新「瑞雲」系列,採用最優質的大馬士革鋼再現佛教吉祥 雲的象徵。
I purchased three of these knives. The petty, the bunka and the gyuto. All three are beautiful. At first, I wasn't sure I would like them due to their weight and the shape of the handle. I have grown accustomed to yaxell and miyabi knives - their weight, balance and handle shapes. These knives felt a little front heavy to me and also the edges on the handles I wasn't sure would be comfortable. I almost sent them back, but then reconsidered and decided to try using them. I can say that they were great to actually use and didn't take long for me to get used to them. The ONLY negative I would mention so far is that the sharpness on each of the blades was inconsistent. The bunka sliced like nothing I have experienced before. Then using the other two knives I wondered what was wrong - it was like using a different, somewhat dull knife. I realized that the blades must not have been sharpened evenly before packaging. For example, near the tip and the heel the knives were sharper than on the belly or the area just after the tip area. This area I use the most since I mainly press down or slice. I wish they were all three the same. So now I'm wondering if I can get the other two knives as sharp as the bunka. If you recall the movie Kill Bill - where the swordmaker tells the bride that his sword would cut god. That's how sharp the bunka was - effortless. So there is potential. For the money, I'd expect them to all be perfect and consistent on the edge.
Looks like a mini kiritsuke and operates like a utility knife. Very comfortable for small to medium sized hands. I stropped right out of the box and the knife's already sharper than my vg10 6" without any other touch-ups