Sakai Takayuki

Sakai Takayuki 33 層 Tsuchime Damascus VG10 240mm Sujihiki
這款sujihiki刀採用VG10芯鋼製成,熱處理至60 HRC,研磨光滑,刀刃後面的厚度相當薄。 Tshuchime 圖案被錘擊到 33 層不銹鋼覆層上,營造出有趣的外觀。其組裝和表面處理水平在這個價格範圍內是不錯的,西班牙桃花心木手柄隨著年齡的增長也很漂亮。
- 產地(產地):日本堺市
- 品牌: 堺貴之
- 型號:07397
- 刀類型:Sujihiki
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):VG10
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:60HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 大馬士革
- 土目(錘擊)
- 刀刃長度:240 毫米(9.4 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):37mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.9mm
- 中:1.8毫米
- 處理
- 形狀: 西式
- 材質:西班牙桃花心木
- 抱枕:不鏽鋼
- 長度:122毫米
- 總長度:367mm
- 重量:179公克(6.31盎司)
- 標記:日文漢字「 Takayuki 」(孝行); 「大馬士革VG-10」; “日本製造的孝之”
關於 Sakai Takayuki 堺 孝行
Sakai Takayuki 是堺市的頂級刀具製造商和工匠工作室。日本堺地區有600年的製刀歷史。在這些刀匠中,堺孝之是堺悠久的刀刃製作歷史的代表人物。精加工的品質和鍛造技術的細節是由一代又一代的優秀工匠傳承下來的。如今,Sakai Takayuki 銷往全球 100 多個國家。他們毫不妥協的製刀熱情吸引了日本以外的熱情客戶。
This knife is amazing. A coworker of mine went to Japan and received this particular knife as a gift from a demonstration. It was an incredible keepsake, and the profile was ruined because he had no experience in sharpening. Just before I met this knife for the first time I had found “Burrfection” on you tube learning the ways of whetstone sharpening. I’m an intuitive person and learning came quick. I told my coworker that I was confident that I could fix the profile and get it back to burrfection. It was done and nearly 100%. The guy was working 2 jobs and requested time off from our kitchen. It has been roughly a week, and I kept bringing it to work knowing that it meant a lot to him with the memories of visiting Japan with his parents. On the 14th of July 2022, someone came through the back door of our kitchen and stole my bag. Over $3500 worth of my personal items, personal identification, and this amazing knife that didn’t belong to me. There are no words for how horrible I feel as I still haven’t seen my coworker, and have no idea of how to tell him that this prize is now gone with no way of getting it back. Even if I was to purchase this knife again, it still won’t be the energy of the one that was taken. I’m sharing this, so that others will know that sometimes as incredible as these objects are, they’re still worth more than the price of purchase. It was a pleasure to be able to work on such a marvelous piece of art, and at the same time a displeasure of being the one to bare the responsibility of this loss that didn’t even belong to me.
Cherish these knives … great love and energy go into making these pieces of heart and soul. You can feel the energy they bring to life when you hold them. It doesn’t matter the profile type, they’re “all” one of a kind.