Nigara Hamono

Nigara Ginsan (Silver #3) Nashiji Kurosome Damascus 210mm Kiritsuke Gyuto
- 產地(產地):日本青森縣弘前市
- 品牌: Nigara Hamono
- 工匠:吉澤剛
- 刀具類型:切附牛刀
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):銀山
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:62HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 黑體(黑色蝕刻)
- 納西吉
- 刀片長度(從尖端到腳跟):195 毫米(7.7 英吋)
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:3.8mm
- 中:2.1毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質: 雞翅木
- 口/塚尻:水牛角
- 長度:133毫米
- 總長:344mm
- 重量:199公克(7.01盎司)
- 雕刻標記:日文漢字“ Nigara Made ”(二唐作)
關於 Nigara Hamono 二唐刃物
Nigara Hamono從江戶時代初期為津輕氏製作刀劍開始,已有350年的歷史,至今已傳承了八代人。其第五代鐵匠 Nigara Kunitoshi 是一位傳奇的劍製造商,並獲得了許多榮譽、榮譽稱號和爵士稱號。現任(第八代)鐵匠吉澤剛受到父親吉澤敏十的支持,他對藝術和音樂有著濃厚的興趣。 Nigara 著名的暗門設計是 Toshiju 對安迪沃荷藝術作品熱愛的結果。家族企業向建築鋼廠的擴張使 Nigara 在高級精加工方面擁有無與倫比的內部專業知識。所有這些使 Nigara 成為日本最特別的刀具製造商之一。
Ginsan(Gin3 或 Silver #3)是一種不銹鋼碳鋼,添加了 14% 的鉻。 Ginsan 保留了日本碳鋼的特性,硬度與 Shirogami #2 相似,是不銹鋼。它的刀片保持力僅略遜於Shirogami #2,但事實上,它結合了易於磨刀、碳鋼特性以及不銹鋼特性,使其成為那些希望擁有一把易於維護的日本碳鋼刀的人的絕佳選擇。
This knife is so esoteric, I feel like I'm wielding a legendary weapon to mince shallots. Has a nice weight to it, it feels like a strong knife. The knife has a highly textured surface, you can feel the grooves in the damascus and the nashiji finish is less of a perfect pear skin and more of a pear that fell off the tree and has some dirt on it. The ginsan blade is razor sharp and I felt that it was easy to sharpen on wetstones. Very happy with the knife, it's beautiful and can be a daily driver. What a combo.
I always liked the slighty rougher finishes, where the blade kind of emerges from the raw(er) steel.
This knife has a very interesting finish. On the photos you see the nashiji finish, the transition to the damascus and the inner core steel towards the blade. All of the surfaces, including the "polished" core steel have a rough feel to them, like a sand blasted finish. The knife is super sharp out of the box, but at the same time feels a lot heavier then typical slicers. The knife back is rather thick towards the handle but has a super fine point with a double sharpened edge. Perfect for poke into something or cutting fine stuff with the very thin blade in the tip area. Larger rougher stuff can be handled closer to the handle.
I have not tried to sharpen this yet, so I can't tell how much the sharpening will damage the sand blasted finish close to the edge. I do believe, any accidental scratch further up will be very visible on the sand blasted surface.