Nigara Hamono

Nigara Aogami Super Matt 三垣土目牛斗
這款 Gyuto 採用Aogami 超級碳鋼芯手工製作,外層不銹鋼,經過精美打磨,邊緣後部極薄,硬度為 62-63 HRC。作為鋼鐵操縱大師和鋼結構專家,Nigara Hamono 創造了獨特的 S 形土梅圖案。這把刀的 jigane 飾面確實是獨一無二的 - 而土梅圖案具有幾乎啞光 Nashiji 般的紋理,賦予這把刀精緻的風格。與所有 Nigara 刀一樣,這把刀的貼合度和光潔度是首屈一指的,其中一個例子是極其光滑的 Choil。
- 產地(產地):日本青森縣弘前市
- 品牌: Nigara Hamono
- 工匠:吉澤剛
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Aogami Super(藍色超級)
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:62-63 HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 土目(錘擊)
- 霞波蘭語
- 刀刃長度:210毫米(8.3吋)/240毫米(9.4吋)/270毫米(10.6吋)
- 刀片高度(鞋跟處):49mm / 49mm / 54mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.3毫米/2.3 毫米/2.5 毫米
- 中:2.2毫米/2.2毫米/2.4毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質:雞翅木/胡桃木
- 口:水牛角
- 長度:133毫米/139毫米/144毫米
- 總長:341毫米/379毫米/414毫米
- 重量:152公克(5.36盎司)/195公克(6.88盎司)/232公克(8.18盎司)
- 雕刻標記:日文漢字“ Nigara Made ”(二唐作)
關於 Nigara Hamono 二唐刃物
Nigara Hamono從江戶時代初期為津輕氏製作刀劍開始,已有350年的歷史,至今已傳承了八代人。其第五代鐵匠 Nigara Kunitoshi 是一位傳奇的劍製造商,並獲得了許多榮譽、榮譽稱號和爵士稱號。現任(第八代)鐵匠吉澤剛受到父親吉澤敏十的支持,他對藝術和音樂有著濃厚的興趣。 Nigara 著名的暗門設計是 Toshiju 對安迪沃荷藝術作品熱愛的結果。家族企業向建築鋼廠的擴張使 Nigara 在高級精加工方面擁有無與倫比的內部專業知識。所有這些使 Nigara 成為日本最特別的刀具製造商之一。
Aogami Super (藍色超級)鋼被認為是最優質的日本高碳鋼,用於製刀。它不是不銹鋼的,因此每次使用後必須將刀擦乾,特別是未被不銹鋼包層覆蓋的芯鋼。隨著時間的推移,銅鏽會逐漸形成,在切割刃上表現為“變色”,但這是碳鋼的本質,而不是缺陷。不銹鋼包層覆蓋了刀片的大部分,使維護變得更加容易,但仍然保留了 Aogami Super 核心的切割和磨刀樂趣。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
This knife is incredible. The fit and finish, the finishes on the blade.. amazing. The grind is literally the thinnest behind the edge that I’ve ever seen, so beware! VERY aggressive...I would not recommend this knife to a beginner. But I would highly recommend it to an experienced buyer if they come back in stock!
Show stoppin knife for sure. Grinds are very clean. Excellent fit and finish. Straight blade. No high/low spots along the profile. Blade passed all the standard cut tests. Balance is right at a pinch grip. Not crazy sharp, but does the job safely. Little CBN or diamond spray stropping goes a long way.
Bought other Nigara knives from various retailers, but the fit and finish on this one in particular was noticeable. Definately not my most expensive knife, but the aesthetics makes me baby it.
Pictures don't do this knife justice. It is gorgeous, the Tsuchime pattern is breathtaking! As another reviewer noted the grind is super thin which I happen to like a lot, it makes the knife really light and it feels great in the hand, like an extension of your hand which comes alive when you pick it up. The fit and finish are flawless. I highly recommend this work of art. I am amazed that something of this quality can be forged and made by hand and sold at this price point.
The Nigara Aogami Super Matt Migaki Tsuchime Gyuto is a beauty in its self. This is one of the best looking Japanese knives I have in my collection! Now as performance is concerned it cuts like a dream and the edge is outrageously thin, thinner than all my knives. It’s just a tad smaller than my Hatsukokor Gyuto but feels really good in the hand nonetheless.