Mcusta Zanmai

Mcusta Zanmai “Beyond”Aogami Super 165mm Nakiri 配扁柏扭曲手柄
這是三麥最新“Beyond”青神超級系列中的一把切刀,擁有纖薄的刀脊和美麗的細磨,賦予其激光般的切割性能。美麗的刷拋光 jigane 包覆 Aogami Super(藍色超級)鋼芯,這是日本最優質的高碳鋼之一,可實現出色的邊緣保持力和邊緣薄度。獨特的全新八角形扭曲檜木手柄搭配鎳銀口輪,展示了 Zanmai 的精緻生產品質 - 這是 Seki 刀片製造傳統與創新技術相結合的結果。從光滑拋光的手柄上漂亮的馬賽克針到精細拋光的刀脊和刀脊,這把刀到處都可以看到 Zanmai 標誌性的貼合和表面處理。核心鋼經過鏡面拋光,天然芳香的扁柏手柄帶有鋒利的赤捲(紅色環)。這把刀裝在一個漂亮的 Zamai 泡桐木盒中。
- 產地(製造地): 日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌: 麥克斯塔贊麥
- 型號:ZBX-5008B
- 刀類型: Nakiri
- 刀刃
- 建造: 三邁
- 研磨: 雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Aogami Super(藍色超級)
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:64HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度: 165毫米(6.5 英吋)
- 刀片高度(鞋跟處): 49毫米
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方: 1.7毫米
- 中間: 1.7毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:Nejire Hachikaku(扭曲八角形)
- 材質: 檜木
- 裝飾:馬賽克別針
- 口:鎳銀
- 長度:135毫米
- 總長: 319毫米
- 重量: 177公克(6.24 盎司)
- 標記:日文漢字「三昧」;麥克斯塔贊邁標誌; “藍鋼” ; “日本製造”
- 進來一個 裝飾性的 木製的 盒子(泡桐盒子)
關於Mcusta Zamai三昧
Mcusta Zanmai 的總部位於日本關市,這座小鎮擁有 800 多年的鑄劍歷史。在秉承Seki刀片製作傳統的同時,Zanmai也將CNC工具機和雷射切割等創新技術引入車間,使該品牌成為工匠傳統與現代技術罕見的無縫融合。 Zanmai 刀具擁有獨特的手柄,不僅向傳統的佤族手柄設計致敬,還帶來了創新,例如高溫壓縮天然紫檀木層,以打造拋光且堅固的手柄。贊邁對 VG10 鋼的雷射切割可在單鋼刀片上產生高精度光潔度。 Mcusta 工匠在日本水石上精加工每把刀,賦予刀具精緻的外觀。
Aogami Super (藍色超級)鋼被認為是最優質的日本高碳鋼,用於製刀。它不是不銹鋼的,因此每次使用後必須將刀擦乾,特別是未被不銹鋼包層覆蓋的芯鋼。隨著時間的推移,銅鏽會逐漸形成,在切割刃上表現為“變色”,但這是碳鋼的本質,而不是缺陷。不銹鋼包層覆蓋了刀片的大部分,使維護變得更加容易,但仍然保留了 Aogami Super 核心的切割和磨刀樂趣。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
My wife wanted a Nakiri kife for her birthday. She has bad wrists and wanted this knife to help her process vegetables. After much consideration, she selected the Mcusta Zanmai "Beyond" Aogami Super 165mm Nakiri with Hinoki Twisted Handle. Packaged in a beautiful wooden box, the knife arrived promptly and did not disappoint. As a fine artist, my wife especially appreciates every aspect of the finish. As an avid home cook, she loves the sure grip of the hinoki twisted handle, the solid feel and balance of the knife, and the effortless way the thin blade slices through vegetables. Outside of the discoloration that appeared on the bladed after first use when we cut fruit - (we assume from the acid), we are very happy with every aspect of the purchase.
I purchased the Mcusta bunka and was looking for a nakiri. This seemed to fit the bill. OOTB it is extremely sharp and well balanced. Didn't need to do anything to it, I just wiped if off and started cutting. I have used it for about a month and can say I really enjoy using it. With a pinch grip the knife is balanced slightly forward, which I like, and the handle sits well in the hand. The twist grip is very comfortable for my last 3 fingers. Both the blade and the spine are thin and the choil is comfortable to hold and doesn't dig into the skin. As far as care, the edge has formed a really neat looking patina and will rust if left wet but the rest of the blade does not patina or rust. Overall I am very impressed with the knife. Well worth the couple hundred bucks I spent on it.
Great knife, very light and thin, a little stropping on an old-school leather strop and it's absolutely razor sharp. Beautiful. I have an old nakiri (that's called an "usuba" but it really isn't) and I love it too, but this is way nicer.