Masamoto Sohonten

正本 KS 240mm Gyuto (KS3124)
對於這款來自 Masamoto 的備受追捧的牛刀,無需過多介紹。 KS 系列是 Masamoto 的優質玉白粉系列。 KS 系列的所有刀具均採用 Shirogami 2 號鋼(白色 2 號)製成,並經過最高水準的手工拋光和銳化。
可選 Saya:可選 Saya 是 Masamoto 專門為您的刀定制的,而不是通用的 Masamoto Saya。因此,Saya 可以緊密貼合,無需使用銷釘來固定 Saya。
- 產地(產地):日本大阪府堺市
- 品牌: 正本宗本店
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 結構:單鋼
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- 鋼種:白神#2(玉白高/白色#2)
- 硬度:62HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:240 毫米(9.4 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):49mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.8mm
- 中:2.2毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:丸之木(D形)
- 材質:日本玉蘭(何木)
- 口:水牛角
- 長度:138毫米
- 總長:403毫米
- 重量:176公克(6.20盎司)
- 標記:日文漢字「商標 Masamoto Sohonten 」(登入正本総本店)
- 可選:定制的 Magnolia Saya(無需別針!),由 Masamoto 製造,帶有 Masamoto 標誌
關於 Masamoto Sohonten 正本総本店
Masamoto Sohonten 是一個擁有 150 多年歷史的傳奇品牌。該品牌可能是日本最知名、最受尊敬的刀具品牌之一,當之無愧地成為第一大壽司刀製造商。第一代正本松澤美之助出生於1845年,17歲時前往大阪當學徒。經過 5 代人對刀具工藝藝術的孜孜不倦的追求,Masamoto 已贏得了日本專業廚刀首屈一指的地位。 1890 年在東京開業的正本旗艦店(sohonten),130 年後仍在同一地點歡迎遊客。
Shirogami #2 (白色 #2)鋼是日本菜刀(Wa 刀)中最受歡迎的高碳鋼類型之一。它不是不銹鋼的,因此每次使用後必須擦乾刀子。隨著時間的推移,銅綠會逐漸形成。如果長時間與水或酸性食物接觸,可能會生鏽。如果生鏽,請使用除鏽劑清潔。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
我們建議在磨刀石上磨利所有優質日本刀,因為我們相信它們可以為您的刀具帶來最佳效果。這把刀有 70/30 磨削雙斜刃。您應該以相同的角度對兩側進行銳化,但遵循相同的研磨比 70/30。
So, definitely sad that it is already staining but it also makes it mine-mine. My fingerprints from my pinch grip are already showing. The fact that my fingerprints are on it is really cool. I thought it was sharp out of the box but I finally gave it a strop and it became screamingly sharp. I couldn't believe that a knife could get so sharp! I also treated the handle and the saya with some Burrfection All-Natural Wax for Cutting Boards and it is so much nicer to handle. It's definitely one hell of a knife :)
Absolutely beautiful knife. Noticeably light. I believe its around the same weight, if not lighter, than my miyabi birchwood sg2 210 mm gyuto. Whilst having 30 mm's on it. Very sharp out of the box. I used it today at work and sliced right down my middle finger on my claw. I foolishly looked up while cutting onions. Sliced right through me before I could even realize what happened. Im excited to polish it and hopefully I can get a beautiful patina on it. It may be a controversial opinion, but I would pay the price any day for this knife. I love it already.
The Masamoto KS is a plain looking blade in the Japanese knife world. Mine came out of the box with blemishes to the mirror finish probably from abrading the packaging during transit. The knife cuts beautifully. The blade glides through food with ease. However, even with careful drying and tsubaki oil conscientiously applied after each use, the white carbon steel is incredibly reactive to food. I will no doubt be using a rust eraser on the blade eventually. Is the stamped knife worth $400? (BTW Burrfection had the lowest price for the Masamoto KS, I could find on the internet.) No, I think the Masamoto KS is overpriced compared to some of the handforged beauties that can be purchased for under $400 from the wonderful small shops in Japan that keep the art of blacksmithing fine blades by hand alive. However, the Masamoto KS, even in its revamped format that is now available after its production hiatus for a few years, is still a very fine knife that will not disappoint in performance. I bought mine purely to satisfy my curiosity and to have the bragging rights of saying I own a Masamoto KS. It is not my daily cutter. I only break it out when I plan to do a lot of cutting and want to feel a zen satisfaction during my work. Buy this knife if you have the cash to splurge on experiencing what all the hype about this legend is personally. Just as a final note, shipping from Burrfection is amazing. I've gotten my orders in two days from Hong Kong even thought I live in North Carolina.