
「作為一名自行車手,碳纖維在我心中佔有特殊的地位。在改進製造和精加工工藝後,並且無需提高原始設計的價格,我非常高興能夠向我們的客戶提供這個新版本。 這個最新版本提供了許多升級,從客製化 CNC 倒角邊緣和角落到新的碳纖維疊層設計。 CNC 邊緣和角落使表面極其乾淨且握持舒適。從 UD(單向碳)到3k 編織圖案的升級增加了結構強度(並不是 UD 版本需要它)。 每層都使用相同的材料,這些都是 100% 碳纖維結構。
- 瑞基特蘭
- 3k 斜紋 100% 碳纖維
- 10 英吋: 10 英吋 x 2.5 英吋(26 x 6.8 公分)
- 12 英吋:12 英吋 x 3 英吋(31 x 8.0 公分)
- 厚度:8 毫米/0.3 英寸
- 防滑矽橡膠腳墊
- 底部有“Burrfection”的編織圖案
卷狀水牛帶是 Burrfection 最暢銷的帶狀。經過數十種皮革的測試後,這種特殊等級的皮革已被證明適用於幾乎所有類型的刀鋼。由於其加工方式,皮革非常有彈性,不會變形,並且非常緻密。可以與任何化合物一起裝載,或裸露使用。
- 優質皮革,讓您的刀具和刮鬍刀達到最鋒利的狀態。
- 適合初學者或專業磨刀者的完美磨刀器。
- 幾乎適合所有鋼材類型
- 非常適合裝載 5K-14K 砂礫化合物或裸露使用(不裝載)
- 極具彈性、平整 - 非常適合微斜角的削皮刀
- 2 種尺寸選擇:10 吋 (10" x 2.5") 或 12 吋 (12" x 3")
高矽酸鹽濃度使其非常有用,無需任何停止劑。但對於那些想要裝載研磨劑的人來說,我們發現使用 5-6K 砂礫的混合物非常好。 Ryky 目前在他最新的磨刀套件中大量使用了它。
- 原馬皮革與優質馬皮革一樣含有高濃度的矽酸鹽,並且與軋製的水牛皮相似,緻密。
- 非常適合裝載 5K - 6K 砂礫化合物
- 在剝離過程中提供大量控制
- 優質皮革,讓您的刀具和刮鬍刀達到最鋒利的狀態。
- 馬皮革含有非常高濃度的矽酸鹽,非常適合不想在帶子上添加化合物的人。
- 非常適合裝載 9K - 14K 粒度化合物
- 空載使用時提供最佳的觸感與控制
- 2 種尺寸選擇:10 吋 (10" x 2.5") 或 12 吋 (12" x 3")
殼牌 Cordovan Ultimate
- 超高級皮革,可讓您的刀具和刮鬍刀達到最鋒利的狀態。
- 皮革由傳奇的 Horween Leather Co. 生產。
- 表面像玻璃,非常適合裝載 14K-100K 粒度的化合物
- 製作一批需要6個多月
- 每個月只生產十幾個
- 由加州的 Ryky Tran 設計
- Strop 皮革源自美國
- 美國製造的皮革
- 在香港組裝
In general everything I get from Burrfection is high performance. The stop is A-1
You are paying for a beautiful strop and that is exactly what you get. It's not only beautiful but functional.
I just got it a few minutes ago but I had to post a review. First off, the packaging is impeccable if you care about things like that (I usually don't, but it's so thoughtful that it stood out)!
Ok, it's a strop. Strops are very simple things that are nice to have, but aren't even necessary. You can make a strop easily, quickly, and inexpensively (that's what I've always done). You can strop on a stone, you can strop on fabric, you can strop on a belt if that's all you have.
So why did I spend $80 on this thing?
I first found this strop while I was researching stones a couple of years ago. They were sold out, and I told myself that if they ever came back in stock I would buy one because I had never even heard of a carbon fiber strop before. Well, I now have a baby, and my soaking stones just no longer fit my lifestyle so I was on the site looking at splash-n-go's. I made the mistake of clicking on the strops menu and these were back in stock. I bought one before I really knew what was happening.
It came today and this is the most ridiculous thing I now own. If you didn't get one before they sold out (which they're gonna), it's no good, don't worry about it, you're not missing out on anything, stop reading this review here!
If you did get one, then you already know! Those poor, poor saps who missed out! This strop is complete overkill, no one needs a strop this nice, and I'm head over heels in love with it! Well done Ryky, well done!