
KOYO 新型陽光拋光劑 100g
Blue Label KOYO 陽光拋光複合膏是一種水性拋光/拋光膏,用於刀片維護,包括拋光、去除髮絲划痕和污垢、恢復光澤以及去除不必要的銅綠。只需將少量化合物塗在一塊柔軟、乾淨的布上,然後在刀片表面來回輕輕擦拭即可。之後,用另一塊乾淨的乾布擦拭表面。透過輕輕地向後拋光並沿直線用力進行拋光,避免圓週運動。
- 品牌: KOYO
- 包含:磨料;脂肪酸;烴;水
- 內容量:100公克(3.53 盎司)
- 規格
- 適用於不銹鋼(藍色標籤)
- 用於去除污垢(紅色標籤)
- 適用於鋁(紫色標籤)
- 塑膠用(象牙色標籤)
- 適用於銅-黃銅(綠色標籤)
- 特殊性
- 溫和香型,無石油氣味
- 除去堅硬的物質後,您的物品將恢復良好的光澤
污垢(如香煙焦油)和細小刮痕。 - 適合您物品的日常護理。
- 將適量的New Sunlight倒在軟布上,用指尖擦拭般擦拭。
- 拋光後用乾淨的乾布擦拭乾淨。
關於 KOYO (Koyo-Sha) 光陽社
Koyo-Sha於1926年在日本東京都粟川市成立。他們一直專注於製造各種拋光劑,供鐵匠拋光刀具。隨著磨刀、拋光刀在普通家庭中的普及,其產品幾乎成為家庭必備品 內在和外在 日本。
- 新文章、文章光彩如新。
- 軟樹脂產品,例如聚丙烯。
- 光學鏡片,例如眼鏡、相機鏡頭。
Excellent product! "Just a little dab will do it!" Very effective on a wide variety of metals. I've been telling my friends about the product. I will definitely buy again.
Absolutely great polish! I ran this little skinner up to 3000 grit and then applied the Koyo. Wasn't sure what to expect, but it really did create a mirror polish with little effort. Shipping was a little pricey, but after figuring in your labor per hour, it was well worth it. Plus, a little goes a long way.
Shipping was fast and arrived on time. Would definitely buy again.
Great product. It works better than described! Hopefully, the shipping charges will be better soon. But I have nothing bad to say! Totally satisfied!
I'm very happy with the performance of this paste, it really works for the daily use in my knifes
Very pleased with my purchase. Shipped promptly and arrived quicker than expected. Only used the product once but impressed with the results. Will buy from this site again.