
Burrfection 鑽石複合物 5g
Burrfection 鑽石研磨膏含有 20% 濃度的鑽石粉,可用於磨刀後的刀具拋光。此糊劑採用 5 克注射器包裝,可輕鬆塗在皮革帶的表面上。
4微米/5000目砂膏(綠色注射器)可去除刀片上的刮痕; 2.5 微米/9000 粒度的膏劑(紅色注射器)可打造精緻的半光澤飾面; 1 微米/14000 粒度的膏劑(藍色注射器)在塗抹到馬皮革或 Shell Cordovan 等優質皮革上時可產生終極鏡面效果。購買全套可節省 20%。
- 材質:鑽石粉(濃度:20%)
- 內容量:5公克(0.176盎司)
- 微米/粒度
- 綠色:4 微米/5000 粒度
- 紅色:2.5 微米/9000 粒度
- 藍色:1 微米/14000 粒度
- 容器:塑膠注射器
Easy to load onto a quality strop. I used it once already and it turned my decently sharp Miyabi artisan that I've used a fair bit into an absolute razor after 2 minutes of stropping. Would definitely recommend it!
stuff seems to work 'ok'...
used it on a piece of cardboard (want to make SURE I can pretend to look like I know what I am doing BEFORE I jack up a rolled buffalo strop) and saw noticeable improvement in the edge of my chef knife!
Good paste with a high concentration of diamonds.
I have made many purchases from Burrfection they have quick shipping so far and shipping is very good.
Easy to use and does the job I need done.