Moritaka Hamono

盛隆 濱物青神 #2 薙切 165mm
採用 Aogami #2 核心鋼手工鍛造 nakiri,採用 Moritaka 標誌性的 Warikomi 結構,熱處理至 61-62 HRC,具有中等粗糙的 Kurouchi 表面和研磨的 kasumi。磨削相當平坦,邊緣後部較薄。出色的邊緣保持力,並且仍然易於銳化和變薄。
*附註:靠近柄腳的「變色」是森高專利手柄組件的一部分,基本上是焊接不銹鋼,以防止中子生鏽。 Kuchiwa 和櫻桃木手柄不齊平。這些都不是錯誤。
- 產地(產地):日本熊本縣八代市
- 品牌: 森隆 羽物
- 刀類型:Nakiri
- 刀刃
- 建築:瓦里科米
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Aogami #2(藍色#2)
- Jigane(包層):軟鐵
- 硬度:61-62 HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:黑內
- 刀刃長度:165 公釐(6.5 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):51mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:3.2mm
- 中:1.6毫米
- 處理
- 新型耐用手柄
- 形狀:丸形(橢圓形)
- 材質:櫻桃木
- Kuchiwa:耐用塑料
- 長度:131毫米
- 總長:309毫米
- 重量:142公克(5.01盎司)
- 刻印標記:Moritaka Hamono 標誌;日文漢字“源盛高”
刃野森隆於鎌倉時代的 1293 年由金剛兵衛源盛高創立,擁有 700 多年的製刀歷史。家族的前 13 代人在福岡太宰府寶滿山為佛教僧人製作劍。 1632年,家族追隨熊本藩主來到熊本市八代市妙見神社,繼續為護衛鍛造刀劍,直至五代前,劍匠盛高忠左衛門決定擴大家族事業,將鍛造經驗運用到廚師刀上。從那時起,森高家族一直為客戶製造堅固且價格實惠的手工刀具和各種農業鋼工具。 Moritaka Hamono 開創了手工鍛造 Warikomi 結構和獲得專利的不銹鋼包層紅木手柄組件。如今,第 27 代鐵匠 Tsunehiro Moritaka 與他的父親、一名工匠大師和一名學徒一起製作 Moritaka 品牌的所有刀具。
Aogami #2(藍色#2)鋼是一種用於製刀的優質日本高碳鋼。儘管具有一定的耐腐蝕性(對於碳鋼而言),但它不是不銹鋼,因此您應該在每次使用後將刀擦乾。隨著時間的推移,銅綠會逐漸形成。如果長時間與水或酸性食物接觸,可能會生鏽。如果生鏽,請使用除鏽劑清潔。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
Razor sharp..nice finish on blade..thin and cuts veggies with ease. Finish on handle a ferrule does not equal the blade. There is a ridge there where they come together and is not smooth. I hope this is just an oversight because it could easily have been delt with
This knife has quickly become my favorite in the kitchen. The first time I used the knife was on a fresh salad with a large blend of veggies from onion to tomatoes to brussel sprouts and herbs.
The knife was an instant fit with my more preferred linear cutting style. The feel is perfectly balanced to give the user confidence in control of the blade. The height is perfect. Big enough to give you plenty of room for fast slicing without needing to stop and scrape the blade while also not being too large you feel intimidated by the size.
The blade quality is superb. I've felt no difference after two weeks of moderate use and have a feeling with good care and a good leather strop will keep this blade sharp and reduce the frequency of sharpening to a couple times a year. I'll try to follow up on duration of blade, but early indicators are it holds up very well to daily usage in a home kitchen
So, I figured based on reviews that any Moritaka would be a solid start to a Japanese knife cooking kit. I am vegan, so a vegetable knife is a no brainer. I got it, it is beautiful. I started to use it to cut a potato and I realized that as my body jerked for the cut to begin that the knife had already cut through the potato, 😭. I resolved to double down on using proper cutting technique otherwise I am bound to loose a finger, 😅. Amazing knife.
This might be my favorite Nakiri! The style and feel of this knife is like no other. It slices and chops so easily. Great purchase!