Tanaka Kazuyuki Hamono

田中茂樹 R2/SG2 黑素大馬士革牛刀
這款 Gyuto 由 Shigeki Tanaka 手工製作,採用 R2/SG2 鋼芯,外包不銹鋼,並具有迷人的黑色素馬士革飾面。美麗的邊緣幾何形狀和遠端錐形確保了令人難以置信的平滑切割性能。
- 產地(產地):日本兵庫縣三木市
- 品牌: 田中 和之 羽物
- 工匠:田中茂樹
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):R2/SG2
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:63HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 大馬士革
- 黑體(黑色蝕刻)
- 刀刃長度:180毫米(7.1吋)/210毫米(8.3吋)/240毫米(9.4吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):47mm / 47mm / 55mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.2mm / 2.4mm / 2.5mm
- 中:2.0毫米/2.2毫米/2.3毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質:雞翅木/柚木
- /烏木
- 口:黑色/大理石水牛角
- 可選銀卷:鎳銅 (x3)
- 長度:136毫米/145毫米/145毫米
- 總長:327毫米/364毫米/389毫米
- 重量:
- 雞翅木:134公克(4.73盎司)/212公克(7.48盎司)
- 柚木:121公克(4.27盎司)
- 烏木:204公克(7.2盎司)/238公克(8.4盎司)
- 馬克(前):日文漢字“名匠誠貴作”
- 馬克(後):日文漢字「源」(源)
- 裝在泡桐木盒中
關於 Tanaka Kazuyuki Hamono 田中一之刃物
田中的刀片製作始於明治末期的 1904 年,在日俄戰爭期間製作鐮刀。 1946年,田中工坊開始專注於菜刀,2000年隨著第三代田中一之即位,家族企業更名為“田中和之濱野”,並一直沿用此名稱。 Kazuyuki 的兒子- 第四代鐵匠田中誠貴(Shigeki Tanaka) - 於1994 年開始與父親一起製作刀具。 。
I purchased the 180mm/Teak version of this knife and it is much more beautiful in person than the picture shows. It had a razor sharp edge right out of the box and the Damascus pattern in the cladding is just gorgeous. The finish on the knife releases food remarkably well so nothing I am cutting seems to stick to it. Another great purchase from Burfection that I will enjoy for many years. As usual, they shipped it out the next day and I received it in 4 days.
so this is my first r2 sg2 steel knife and i chose this because the HRC fell within what i was looking for at 63 which is higher on the scale of things. i have had to do some edge work as i did get a few nicks in it most likely from bad form as i am carful not to use it on anything with a bone or too hard. also a first is the 240mm blade. typically i use a 210mm however the honest truth is that as a professional chef i needed something just a bit bigger and i have to say it was a smooth transition with the blade being so thin. a lot of 240mm blades are thick and noticeably heavy. being that i work about 50 hours a week with my knife i wanted something bigger but not too much heavier and tanaka san did a great job with that.
i own mostly full tang knives ryusen was my first blade. western handle, beautiful hattori damascus pattern and had vg 10 steel. i was very set on full tang knives for some reason and in one way or another most of my knives are full tang but after using the wa handle for about 2 months now i have to say its very comfortable and the combination of ebony wood and buffalo horn is so handsome shadowing the black damascus pattern. its a true work of art. HOWEVER if there was one thing i could say that sometimes bugs me its that the nickel spacers protrude enough to be noticeable tho they honesty dont cause any wear on my hand i know its there so its just not as uniform as my ryusen with its tapered bolster and smooth lines. other than that one thing its a true work of art.