Mcusta Zanmai

Mcusta Zanmai「森林」鉬牛托
這款三麥「森林」gyuto 具有細細的脊骨和美麗的細磨,賦予其雷射般的切割性能。實心單鋼刀片使刀看起來乾淨,AUS8 鋼使刀非常實惠。儘管鉬鋼的刀刃保持力不如 VG10,但它的容錯性稍高。獨特的手工拋光綠色米卡塔手柄展示了 Zanmai 的精緻生產品質 - 這是 Seki 刀片製造傳統與創新技術相結合的結果。該系列的刀脊和刀脊的拋光程度不如其他高端系列,但仍比該價格範圍內的其他刀具提供更好的整體貼合度和光潔度。從帶有鏡面端蓋的漂亮手柄到精密磨削的刀片,這把刀仍然可以看到標誌性的 Zamai 貼合和表面處理。
- 產地(產地):日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌:麥庫斯塔贊麥
- 型號:HBG-6004M / HBG-6005M / HBG-6007M / HBG-6013M
- 刀型: Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 結構:單鋼
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- 鋼種: AUS-8
- 硬度:58 -59 HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:180毫米(7.1吋)/210毫米(8.3吋)/240毫米(9.4吋)/270毫米(10.6吋)
- 刀片高度(鞋跟處):42mm / 47mm / 50mm / 57mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.2mm / 2.3mm / 2.2mm / 2.2mm
- 中:1.8毫米/1.9毫米/2.0毫米/1.8毫米
- 處理
- 形狀: 西式
- 材質:綠色米卡塔
- 長度:125毫米/127毫米/127毫米/178毫米
- 總長:312毫米/345毫米/374毫米/404毫米
- 重量:167公克(5.89盎司)/205公克(7.23盎司)/217公克(7.65盎司)/230公克(8.11盎司)
- 標記:日文漢字「三昧」;麥克斯塔贊邁標誌; “鉬釩”; “日本製造”
- 雕刻標記(底蓋):Mcusta Zanmai 徽標,鏡面處理
關於Mcusta Zamai三昧
Mcusta Zanmai 的總部位於日本關市,這座小鎮擁有 800 多年的鑄劍歷史。在秉承Seki的刀片製作傳統的同時,Zanmai也將CNC工具機和雷射切割等創新技術引入車間,使該品牌成為工匠傳統與現代技術罕見的無縫融合。 Zanmai 刀具擁有獨特的手柄,不僅向傳統佤族手柄設計致敬,還帶來了創新,例如高溫壓縮天然紫檀木層,打造拋光且堅固的手柄。贊邁對 VG10 鋼的雷射切割可在單鋼刀片上產生高精度光潔度。 Mcusta 工匠在日本水石上精加工每把刀,賦予刀具精緻的外觀。
While I have owned cheaper Japanese knives in the past (likely made in China), this was my introduction to quality Japanese knives. I bought the 240 mm version of this knife. From the unboxing to the first use, I was greatly impressed. Quality made and out of the box sharp. I tested it on my Edge-On-Up Industrial Edge Tester PT50A and out of the box it scored consistently a 170ish rating. But the real test was in the kitchen. How well would it hold up to finely chopped onions, garlic and ginger? How well would it provide thinly sliced daikon, etc? It held up better than any of my previous cheap Japanese knives as well as my high end German made knives. I have always tried to maintain my cookware (knives especially), but have realized, both that I may not have done as well as I thought and started out with products (knives) that were not as good as what is available. This is a quality knife for the price. While I am sure it is not as good as other Gyutou lines. If you are willing to spend some money but not necessarily break the bank, you will not go wrong with the Mcusta Zanmai "Forest" Molybdenum Gyuto. I don’t know that this is considered an entry level Japanese knife but I would say if this is your first time purchasing a quality Japanese knife, this is a safe bet.
I put 15 hours on it. I prefer this knife over eight inch chef knives. It’s a beautiful knife I throughly enjoy the handle. I suspect that everyone is secretly jealous that my knife is the biggest and the sharpest out of 25 cooks. The only thing that I don’t like is that my supervisor dropped it and now the tip is bent 😿