Yamawaki Hamono

青神義宏 木蘭水牛角超級牛刀
這款 Yoshihiro gyuto 採用 Aogami 超級核心鋼手工製作而成,經過熱處理至 64 HRC,具有非凡的邊緣保持力。不銹鋼jigane經過精心拋光,打磨精美,後刃薄且幾何形狀大,可實現出色的切割平滑度。考慮到這把刀的超實惠性,其配合和表面處理一點也不差。總的來說,這是一把物超所值的刀。
- 產地(產地):日本大阪府堺市
- 品牌: 山脅哈物諾
- 刀型:Gyuto
- 刀刃
- 建築:瓦里科米
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Aogami Super
- Jigane(覆層): 不銹鋼
- 硬度:64HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:210毫米(8.3吋)/240毫米(8.7吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):47mm / 48mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.4mm / 2.4mm
- 中:2.0mm / 2.1mm
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質:日本玉蘭(何木)
- 口:黑水牛角
- 長度:134毫米/142毫米
- 總長度:359mm / 398mm
- 重量:140公克(4.94盎司)/173克(6.10盎司)
- 雕刻標記:日文漢字「 Yoshihiro Made 」(義弘作)
包裝盒顏色為紅色或金黃色,如圖所示。 |
關於 Yoshihiro 義弘 / Yamawaki Hamono 山邊緣刃物
Yamawaki Hamono 於 1927 年在日本堺市成立,生產「Yoshihiro 」和「 Goh Umanosuke Yoshihiro」品牌的刀具,以鎌倉時代著名的刀匠命名。 Yamawaki Hamono 掌握了最具挑戰性的構造和處理技術 Mizu-Honyaki 工藝,將 Sakai 數百年的製刀技術歷史與最新技術相結合,創造出優質的廚師刀。 Yamawaki Hamono 的現任老闆 - Ryoyo Yamawaki 先生 - 也是幾所烹飪學校的講師。新一代工匠 Igarashi Nori 和 Masaya Shimizu 曾在堺鐵匠門下當學徒,帶領 Yamawaki 工坊打造出令人難以置信的刀具,在堺工匠中廣受認可。
Aogami Super (藍色超級)鋼被認為是最優質的日本高碳鋼,用於製刀。它不是不銹鋼的,因此每次使用後必須將刀擦乾,特別是未被不銹鋼包層覆蓋的芯鋼。隨著時間的推移,銅鏽會逐漸形成,在切割刃上表現為“變色”,但這是碳鋼的本質,而不是缺陷。不銹鋼包層覆蓋了刀片的大部分,使維護變得更加容易,但仍然保留了 Aogami Super 核心的切割和磨刀樂趣。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
Ordering **** (4 stars)
There's some scope for improvement on the website. (e.g. My Account is buried at the bottom of the left menu. I struggled to find it. Should be easily available, probably at the right top corner.
Shipping ***** (5 stars)
One word... Fast, love it.
Delivery ***** (5 stars)
Nice packaging, delivered over the weekend... love it.
Product ***** (5 stars)
240 mm Gyuto surprisingly light weight... love it.
Handle is great for my medium size palm... love it.
Extremely sharp edge out of box... love it. (Beware, I cut myself thrice so far. Probably still getting used to the sharpness of the blade. Believe me, it has potential of landing you in ER)
Overall shopping experience ***** (5 stars)
Very well made knife , sharp out of the box and pretty decent finish . A little on the thin side for my taste but still a great knife especially for those that work all day with it ...
I’m just getting into Japanese knives. This one came in great shape and packaged really well. The edge is very sharp and is very well made.
One of the best Japanese knife in the $200 range PERIOD. It is as good as the one that I paid $500.
Wow, a lot of knife for the money, fit and finish is very good. Much lighter than I expected, should be very nice for those large slicing sessions without fatigue. Very good balance and extremely sharp edge, paper thin tomatoes slices are easy to achieve. Handle fits both my larger hands and wife's smaller ones, very nice simple design. Well worth the money, probably one of the best valued knife to get into Japanese knives.
I do wish they offered a Saya, otherwise no complaints. PLUS WOW, ordered it on Sat, it shipped from Japan and arrived Tues, fast shipping