
Tojiro "Oboro" VG10 小資
Tojiro 最新推出的「Oboro」系列小刀採用與廣受歡迎的 DP 系列相同的 VG10 刀片,但搭配新設計的 D 形手柄,其單色圖案的靈感源自日本傳統水墨畫。手柄由堅固的亞麻米卡塔製成,外觀漂亮,同時確保最大的耐用性和衛生。
注意:本系列中的一些早期刀具可能有漢字“ 奧博羅」(昏)刻在刀片的正面,而最近製造的那些則只刻有“ 藤次郎」(藤次郎)沒有其他漢字字符。
- 產地(產地):日本新潟縣燕市
- 品牌: 藤次郎
- 型號:F-1310 / F-1311
- 刀類型:小型
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):VG10
- Jigane(包覆):13 鉻不鏽鋼
- 硬度:60-61HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:135 公釐(5.3 吋)/160 公釐(6.3 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):28mm / 36mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.8mm/ 1. 8毫米
- 中:1.6mm / 1.7mm
- 處理
- 形狀:丸之木(D形)
- 材質:亞麻米卡塔
- 抱枕:不鏽鋼
- 長度:110毫米/124毫米
- 總長度:250mm / 387mm
- 重量:79克(2.79盎司)/145克(5.11盎司)
- 馬克:日文漢字「 Tojiro 」(藤次郎); “DP日本製造”
Tojiro 是燕三條地區領先的刀具製造商,該地區擁有幾個世紀的製刀傳統。儘管價格非常實惠,但他們的產品的完成度和數量都非常出色。 Tojiro 成立於 50 多年前,將現代技術與傳統工匠方法相結合,是日本不銹鋼刀具的先驅。他們的理念是提高機器效率,同時在品質和表面處理方面尊重傳統。
Was looking at a VG10 petty knife and this came up from Tojiro. The picture did not do it justice at all, it looks a lot prettier in person that in the picture. It is long enough to carry out daily tasks but also small enough for cutting up small veggies. The delivery was also quick which is a win in my books.
knife quality is amazing and the blades edge is sharp as can be and cuts through anything with ease. Definitely suggest this knife for everyone!
An affordable knife with a weighted handle that is beautiful and comfortable to hold. This petty will be my all around kitchen utility knife. It comes hand sharpened (super sharp). The point of the blade at the corner of the heel is super sharp and I nicked my finger when handling it. Lesson learned and I will dull that sharp corner as I won't need it for this knife (I DO need that corner sharp on my chicken boning knife.) The edges around the toil are a little sharp too so I'll soften those areas as well. The balance point is approx one finger down the handle. Still, a pinch grip is comfortable and the knife lively. It give me the flexibility to hold the handle like a handshake if needed too. Lightning fast shipping and it arrived before Christmas. Kudos for that!