Seki Kanetsune

名翔兼經「KC-1000 系列」165mm 三德
Kanetsune KC-1000 系列的這些 Santoku 刀採用 Takefu Shiro-2 高碳鋼芯製成,熱處理至 60 HRC,並帶有不銹鋼包層。刀片採用 Kasumi 拋光處理,搭配簡單的橢圓形膠合板手柄,不含支撐枕。邊緣後面的厚度足夠,邊緣保持性非常好。考慮到成本,其配合和表面處理相當不錯,但由於生產過程中的處理相對粗糙,因此刀片上可能會出現一些細細的裝飾刮痕。在如此低廉的價格下,這把刀因其足夠的切割性能而物超所值。
- 產地(產地):日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌:名商兼經(關兼兼旗下)
- 型號:KC-311
- 刀型:三德刀
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):武生四郎 2
- Jigane(覆層):SUS410
- 硬度: 61-64HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃表面處理:Kasumi 拋光
- 刀刃長度:165 公釐(6.5 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):46mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.8mm
- 中:1.7毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:丸形(橢圓形)
- 材質: 合板
- 長度:121毫米
- 總長:288mm
- 重量:145公克(5.11盎司)
- 刻痕:日文漢字“名匠兼常作本割込”
關於 Kanetsune Seki 關兼常 / Kitasho 北正
關兼經品牌的所有者北莊 (Kitasho) 一直在戰前的日本關市製作刀具,該市擁有 800 多年的製刀歷史。戰後,他們成立了北村商店,形成了現在的北商公司。兼常品牌以 14-15 世紀室町時代著名的刀匠命名。北商公司以兼正作、本匠兼正作、源兼正等品牌製作不同系列的刀具,以傳承關八世紀的製刀技術和傳統為己任。
This was my first "Good" kitchen knife, and after about 2 years its holding up extremely well! I've sharpened it about twice a year, on whetstone at a 1000/6000 stones. I cook and prep food everyday, sometimes multiples times a day. For the price you cant find anything that gets close to this quality anywhere else.
I will easily be coming back for a higher quality blade when I need an upgrade. Highly satisfied! If your debating getting this knife, buy it now, easy buy, probably the best $50 I've ever spent!
Thank you so much for making this knife at such a good price!
So right now im pretty happy with this santoku it shows that they are great knives out there in less than 50$ really sharp i use my knives every day the edge lasted a week or so i cut alot of tomatoes , onions , lettuce and so on and i loved it! Great handle the knife looks awesome ! I sharpened the knife with a king #800 grit and #1000 grit and then i stroped it and it got sharp really fast so no problems there overall of you're thinking of buying this knife do it! It is so worth it as always thanks to the burrfection store for selling awesome products all around buying from Puerto rico next step buy some more wetstones jaja