
Sukenari R2/SG2 鏡面大馬士革 180mm 三德
Sukenari 是少數能夠使用高科技粉末鋼製造傳統日本刀具的作坊之一。這款手工製作的 R2/SG2 Santoku 具有美麗完美的鏡面大馬士革飾面,並搭配玫瑰木製成的 wa 手柄,配有大理石水牛角 Kuchiwa 和三重鎳銅銀卷。研磨效果非常好,貼合度和光潔度都非常高。 R2/SG2 粉末鋼經過 63-64 HRC 熱處理,具有非凡的邊緣厚度和邊緣保持力。
- 產地(產地):日本富山縣富山市
- 品牌: 佐成
- 工匠:花木伸夫
- 刀型:三德刀
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):R2/SG2
- Jigane(覆層):不鏽鋼
- 硬度:63-64 HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 大馬士革
- 鏡面(鏡子)
- 刀刃長度:180 公釐(7.1 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):47mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.4mm
- 中:2.3毫米
- 處理
- 高級訂製手柄
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質:紫檀(Dalbergia Odorifera)
- 口/塚尻:大理石水牛角
- 分音器: 紫檀(Dalbergia Odorifera)
- 銀卷:鎳銅 (x3)
- 長度:128毫米
- 總長:333mm
- 重量:267公克(9.42盎司)
- 雕刻標記(正面):日文漢字「商標 Sukenari 」(登入 佑成)
- 雕刻標記(背面):日文漢字“ Powdered Steel ”(粉末鋼)”
Sukenari 是一家位於日本豐山市的小型工匠刀製造商。 Sukenari 由 Fijikichi Hanaki 於 1933 年創立,因其 Honyaki 鍛造刀(最難的鍛造技術之一)而聞名日本。現在由第三代 Hanaki - Nobuo Hanaki 先生掌管,Sukenari 不斷挑戰廚師刀的極限,同時致力於日本刀具製作的最佳傳統。如今,Sukenari 因其使用各種超級鋼材而聞名。
First off this is a very expensive purchase for a home cook. The main reason that I purchased this knife is because I wanted a very high-quality product that will last a lifetime if treated properly. After owning a standard kitchen knife set and only using 3 knives out of the set it only seemed logical to buy one quality knife that I would use all the time. I have watched a ton of RyKy’s videos and thought it was only right to purchase the knife from him. My first impression of the knife immediately is great craftsmanship. The blade shape grind and sharpness leaves nothing to be desired. The only issue with the knife is the fit up of the handle to the blade. It is almost like the handle needs to go further in on the tang. This is not a deal breaker for me, but it is different than the fitment on the knife pictured. I accounted for this as being a customer handmade knife not something being mass-produced. The polish on the blade is perfect the sharpness out of the box is great, and the knife was packaged great.