
Naniwa P-310 專業石材 #1000
Naniwa P-310 Professional (Chosera) #1000 磨石已成為許多其他 #1000 粒度磨石的比較標準之一。它經過高度精煉,使您的刀具具有非常乾淨的邊緣。這塊磨刀石磨起來很愉快,而且回饋是即時的。磨損速度剛剛好,而且不太容易加載。 Ryky 認為它是一種相當堅硬的磨刀石,但不如陶瓷磨刀石那麼硬。
與 Ryky 最喜歡的 Naniwa Pro 800 進行比較:
800 速度更快、更具攻擊性,並且可以提供更即時的回饋。那些追求絕對速度的人會比 #1000 更喜歡 800。
這款 #1000 石材更加精緻,寬容度更高,並且更易於使用和學習,特別是對於初學者而言。那些想要更多地享受銳化過程的人可能會更喜歡 #1000 而不是 800。
- 產地:日本大阪
- 粒度號:#1000 WA
- 類型: 飛濺即走
- 尺寸:210 x 70 x 20 毫米(8.2 x 2.7 x 0.7 英吋)
- 重量:800公克(28.2盎司)
- 磨料:白色氧化鋁
- 黏結劑:鎂結合劑
如果石材的性能減慢或似乎正在減弱,您可以使用除鏽器、nagura 石、修整石或平整板進行清潔。使用上述任何方法時一定要清潔油石的整個表面,以確保油石表面磨損均勻。
Should have arrived on April, 24th, it's May 3rd still nothing
This stone is one of my favorite medium grit sharpening stones. It loads up nicely and if a knife just needs a little touch up I can go from this to my buffer and be done in a short time. I’ll go to a 3000 or 6000 if I want it super sharp but for most chopping jobs this will get a knife plenty sharp without much work if the knife is not too dull. Love it!
A few years ago I bought a razor that didn't came shave ready sharpened. I was very confused becouse it was my first razor and i expected to be able to shave my face. I made some research, and I found that most razors aren't ready to shave from fabric. Well, I understood that I need some honing stones and I bought naniwa super stones 3000, 8000, 12000 grit. I tried to hone my razor but I realised that I need a lower grit stone. So, becouse I didn't want to spend a lot of money I bought the 1000 grit honig stone from King De luxe. I sharpened my razor but I wos not complitly satisfied. I made more reaserch and I disaided to try chosera 1000. I can't describe in words my satisfaction but I will say this: now I can truly enjoy my shavings. Thank you! After I'll use the other two stones I'll get back with a review.
I have been sharpening my knives with these stones for a long time, I can say that they are super stones
and I am very satisfied with this store, fast shipping and good quality packaging.