
Naniwa P-306 專業石材 #600
Naniwa P-306 Professional (Chosera) #600 石材的侵蝕性足以進行精細修復,但也足以過渡到 2K/3K 石材。
Ryky 決定測試 Naniwa Pro #600,因為他非常喜歡 Naniwa Pro #800,這仍然是他最喜歡的非浸泡磨刀石。 #600 與 #800 不同——它比他測試過的其他 #500-700 粒度磨刀石更具攻擊性和更快的切割速度。
作為一種極具攻擊性的磨刀石,它也可以用作小切屑的精細修復磨刀石。 Ryky 確實發現,直接從這塊磨刀石升級到 6K 需要更長的時間來清理邊緣,因此,如果您最終得到的是這塊磨刀石,請考慮使用 2K 或 3K 磨刀石。
由於磨損速度,Ryky 不建議將此磨刀石用作日常磨刀器,而應保留用於非常鈍的刀具,或切削刃上有非常小的切屑的刀具。
- 產地:日本大阪
- 粒度號:#600 WA
- 類型: 飛濺即走
- 尺寸:210 x 70 x 20 毫米(8.2 x 2.7 x 0.7 英吋)
- 重量:794公克(28盎司)
- 磨料:白色氧化鋁
- 黏結劑:鎂結合劑
這是一種免浸泡磨刀石,但首次使用時會吸收表面大量水分,因此首次使用時浸泡 1-2 分鐘會有所幫助。然後,準備使用時只需在表面塗上水即可。完成後沖洗並用手巾擦乾,然後在室溫下風乾。請勿留在水中。
如果石材的性能減慢或似乎正在減弱,您可以使用除鏽器、nagura 石、修整石或平整板進行清潔。使用上述任何方法時一定要清潔油石的整個表面,以確保油石表面磨損均勻。
Great rough stone, Its fairly aggressive while allowing your knife to smoothly glide across the surface.
The Naniwa P-306 sharpening stone is an excellent choice for maintaining and restoring the edge on kitchen knives. I appreciate its smooth action, which allows for consistent sharpening, and the perfect balance of abrasiveness that efficiently removes metal without being overly aggressive.
Compared to the 800 grit version, which I found to be too fine and time-consuming for bringing back the edge on dull or damaged blades, the 600 grit stone is the solution. It quickly establishes a nice bevel on the knife's edge, making it an ideal starting point for the sharpening process.
In my sharpening routine, I begin with the 600 to set the bevel and remove any damage. I then progress to the 800 grit stone to refine the edge further and finish with the 2000 grit Naniwa "Green Brick of Joy" to polish. I find that this three-stone progression delivers excellent results without the need for higher grit stones.
The Naniwa P-306 is a versatile and essential tool in my sharpening arsenal. Its performance, combined with its feel and pleasant blue color, makes it a joy to use. I highly recommend this stone for anyone looking to maintain or improve the edge on their knives.