
Naniwa 5 件組銳化專業套件
這是 Burrfection 首選的磨刀套件,採用 Ryky 最喜歡的 Naniwa Pro (Chosera) 磨石打造。它擁有開始磨刀石所需的一切。
- 浪速水槽橋 IZ-1111
- 浪速油石架 A-902
- Naniwa P-308 專業石材 #800 粒度
- Naniwa P-330 專業石材 #3000 粒度
- 4 吋水槽橋水箱(非 Naniwa 設計)
Naniwa 水槽橋是將磨刀石直接放在廚房水槽上方的好方法,方便取水。將磨刀石放在水槽上也能讓事情變得更整潔,清理起來也更容易。不再有水流滿您的檯面或工作台。日本製造
型號 IZ-1111
商品重量:2.45 磅(1.1 公斤)
尺寸:18 英寸 x 6 英寸 x 1.6 英寸(45.72 厘米 x 15.24 厘米 x 4 厘米)
經過多年購買和測試市場上數十種磨刀石支架,這是 Ryky 最喜歡的。它是唯一使用真正不銹鋼硬體和導軌的支架之一。它也是所有磨刀石支架中佔地最寬的之一,這使其成為使用最穩定的磨刀石支架之一。
- 型號A-902
- 材質:TRP、PP、不鏽鋼
- 尺寸:288×76×36毫米
- 可容納以下尺寸的油石:
- 長度:136-218 公釐(5.35 吋 - 8.58 吋)
- 寬度:最大。 76 毫米(3 吋)
關於浪速 P-308
這是 Ryky 最喜歡的即用型/非浸泡磨刀石或中等粒度磨刀石。它反應靈敏、切割速度快,能夠處理所有洛氏硬度等級的刀具(測試高達 67 HRC)。它連續 3 年成為 Ryky 的頂級磨刀石,很少有磨刀石能夠在任何價位上提供如此水平的性能。日本製造
- 產地:日本大阪
- 粒度號:#800 WA
- 類型: 飛濺即走
- 尺寸:210×70×20mm
- 重量:745克
- 磨料:白色氧化鋁
- 黏結劑:鎂結合劑
關於浪速 P-330
這是 Ryky 一直以來最喜歡的磨刀石。時期。如果要選一塊磨刀石讓他終生使用的話,他一定會選擇這塊。它切割速度快、反應靈敏,可以讓您的刀具鋒利且拋光良好。 Ryky 連續幾年選擇了這塊年度磨刀石,並且仍然是他私人廚房的首選磨刀石。日本製造
- 產地:日本大阪
- 粒度編號:#3000 WA
- 類型: 飛濺即走
- 尺寸:210×70×20mm
- 重量:745克
- 磨料:白色氧化鋁
- 黏結劑:鎂結合劑
- 深度:4 英吋(10 公分)
- 尺寸:20.8 英吋 x 12.8 英吋 x 4 英吋(53 x 32.5 x 10 公分)
- 溫度:-40°F-210°F(-40℃-99℃)
- NSF 認證且食品安全
- 重量:2.02磅(0.918公斤)
- 水箱不是浪速製造的
Having flubbed up sharpening attempts in the past (pre-Youtube),I was on the fence about the cost of purchasing everything I would need at one time.I did feel that at the least,this purchase would fall under a "buy once/cry once" scenario though(e.g. tried&trusted industry standard name brands).I researched and compared Burrfection advice with others until I was at least comfortable with what I wanted,then the price kept adding up.Mmm.I bit the bullet and purchased the Naniwa 5-Piece Sharpening Pro Kit,the Sabitoru Rust Eraser Kit,& the Atoma Diamond Sharpener Plate #140,&from Amazon I purchased the Ryky-lauded Kitayama 8000 as well.Initially after placing the order,I had some brief worry when I found out the order was coming from Hong Kong(time delay & stone integrity).Now the punchline:the DHL Express shipping was wonderful:speed(Hong Kong to North Louisiana in 4 days;level of service,they texted to set up delivery, and again with exact time of delivery;& the package was in pristine condition.The shipment arrived in a professionally pre-printed shipping box with large Burrfection Logo and pull-tab to open(impressive);and the the quality of the items instantly jumped out upon opening.In realizing the exceptional nature of the Burrfection experience & products across the board, I wish I would've added the Atoma 400 & a strop as well. Top tier service,quality and the warm fizzles of good will created from a merchant that appreciates others enough to have this level of service
Amazing kit and the stones are amazing, for the price point, it is a great value. Had a glitch with my order, got really aggravated, but Burrfection made it right, in a reasonable amount of time, I understand why they had to do what they did and the amount of time it took. Since there are a lot of dishonest people out there.
I am completely satisfied with all the items I ordered. And will definitely order more sharpening supplies and some knives.
Thank You Burrfection.
This is a great kit. I shopped around but went with this kit to compliment the other stones I have. The bridge and stone holder are top notch. And these two stones are perfect and are a great compliment to my Suehiro Rika 5k and Kitayama 8k. And to add to all that the kit came only two days after I ordered it. Talk about fast shipping! Highly recommended!
I watched his videos on Youtube and had to try it out. I'm glad I did because every knife in the house is super sharp now! His videos are easy to follow along and develop your own style which is based on his style. Very easy and fast. The best part is the knife blades are durable. Great investment, high quality equipment, very happy with my purchase.
Great set for sharpening! The 800 and 3000 grit combo works very well for efficiently sharpening knives without taking off excessive metal.