
今西白色精加工油石 #10,000
要在 100 美元以下找到一塊真正的日本 10K 粒度磨刀石是不可能的。 Ryky 測試了至少數十塊粒度為 10K 及以上的日本磨刀石,但沒有一塊的價格接近 100 美元。當Ryky發現今西10K磨刀石時,他對此表示懷疑,但在看到它留下的漆面品質以及整體品質後,他覺得這塊磨刀石值得推薦給Burrfection Store的顧客。如果您正在尋找比典型 6K 表面處理更高的東西,並且不想花費大多數 10K 粒度磨刀石起價 200 美元以上,那麼這款磨石在這個價格範圍內提供了最好的整體品質。
- 產地:日本京都
- 粒度號:#10,000 WA
- 類型: 飛濺即走
- 尺寸:205 x 76 x 26 毫米(8.2 x 3.0 x 1.0 英吋)
- 重量:770公克(27.2盎司)
如果石材的性能減慢或似乎正在減弱,您可以使用除鏽器、nagura 石、修整石或平整板進行清潔。使用上述任何方法時一定要清潔油石的整個表面,以確保油石表面磨損均勻。
I actually did not buy my Imanishi from Burrfection. I got mine years ago from another site and gave it to a friend after a break from knives, cooking professionally and sharpening. After coming across Burrfection recently and wanting to order a couple niche items you carry I found myself checking out what your whetstone offerings were; seeing the good ole Imanishi pop up! I had such wonderful experiences with this stone. I remember it being soft but firm with great feedback. Cutting quicker than an 8k Naniwa I also had at the time. And the mirror finish was just incredible for such a cost effective (or any) stone. Truly my favorite ultra fine grit stone I have personally used to date. Cheers and blessings.