Manaka Hamono Tanrenjo

青神喜助#2 黑內土目本-霞美 佩蒂本-Warikomi
這款小佩蒂由 Kisuke Manaka 手工製作,採用 Aogami #2 鋼芯和軟鐵覆層,並採用 Hon-Warikomi 結構。刀片經過 63 HRC 熱處理,具有獨特的 kurouchi 和手工錘打 Tsuchime 表面處理。刀片不是特別薄,但完美的邊緣幾何形狀和遠端錐形確保了光滑的切割性能。
- 產地(產地):日本埼玉縣春日部市
- 品牌:Manaka Hamono
- 工匠:真中喜助
- 刀類型:小型
- 刀刃
- 建築:瓦里科米
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Aogami #2(藍色#2)
- Jigane(包層):軟鐵
- 硬度:63HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 土目(錘擊)
- 黑內
- Hon-Kasumi 波蘭語
- 刀刃長度:120 毫米(4.7 吋)/135 毫米 (5.3 吋)/150 毫米 (5.9")
- 刀片高度(跟部):30mm / 33mm / 34mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.8mm / 3.2mm / 3.4mm
- 中:2.0mm / 2.0 毫米 / 2.7 毫米
- 處理
- 形狀:八角形(八角形)
- 材質: 胡桃木
- 口:黑紫檀
- 長度:114毫米 / 114 毫米 / 114 毫米
- 總長度:245mm / 269 毫米 / 282 毫米
- 重量:71公克(2.50盎司) / 76 克(2.68 盎司)/ 86 克(3.03 盎司)
- 刻標記:日文漢字「 Kisuke 」(貴輔)
關於 Kisuke 貴輔 / Manaka Hamono 間中刃物鍛錬所
Kisuke Manaka 是 Manaka Hamono 的第五代鐵匠,Manaka Hamono 是一家於 1872 年在日本埼玉縣春日部成立的工坊。真中喜助並沒有從自己的家族繼承工坊,而是嫁入了真中家族,最後成為了全職的專業鐵匠。由於他的岳父(第四代真中)更多的是一名零售商,因此他無法向真中喜助傳授任何鐵匠技能。幸運的是,真中喜助的祖父(第三代真中)留下了很多工具和設備,以及有關鍛造的書籍和筆記,他可以在這個過程中自學,並有師傅日野浦司作為他的導師。
Aogami #2 (藍色#2)鋼是一種用於製刀的優質日本高碳鋼。儘管具有一定的耐腐蝕性(對於碳鋼而言),但它不是不銹鋼,因此您應該在每次使用後將刀擦乾。隨著時間的推移,銅綠會逐漸形成。如果長時間與水或酸性食物接觸,可能會生鏽。如果生鏽,請使用除鏽劑清潔。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
This was my 3rd (fancier) Japanese knife gift to myself, checked all the boxes - the steel, the size, the geometry, the finish. It feels very good in the hand, like the balance and also it's a pleasure to look at. Like it so much that will buy the matching Gyuto. The handle feels so much better than western style, probably because my hands are very small. Definitely going to opt for Japanese handles whenever possible.
I’m a 9 inch gyuto kind of cook, but my wife finds that size too big. She really likes a petty and appreciates the sharpness and look of this blade. Now all I have to do is show her how to sharpen it!
i used a tosaichi shadow petty before this, i still love that knife, but the kisuke took over its role role really fast. the finish on the blade is very nice and the handle is verrryyyy veryy nice. i love the handle right out the box. i think for me a weird thing i found with the knife was how far up the blade its balance point was. personally i use a very shallow pinch grip on shorter knives with less knuckle clearance than say a gyuto or something along the lines of that, so the pinch ends up being places behind the balance point. that may be a weird over personal gripe though. swigety swag its a great knife go get it.
I am enjoying my new Kisuke petty knife. It suits me perfect for prepping veggies (mushrooms, tomatoes, garlic). Very light and well balanced.