
藤次郎 DP VG10 210mm 切助牛斗
藤次郎最受歡迎的系列。以VG10為核心鋼材,外覆13鉻不鏽鋼,兼具專業鋒利度與易維護性。對於轉用日本刀的人來說,這是一把極好的第一把刀。 DP 系列採用 VG-10 核心鋼,具有良好的配合和表面處理水平,即使不是這個價格範圍內的最佳價值,也是最好的之一。
- 產地(產地):日本新潟縣燕市
- 品牌: 藤次郎
- 型號:F-796
- 刀具類型:切附牛刀
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(芯鋼):VG10
- Jigane(包覆):13 鉻不鏽鋼
- 硬度:59-60 HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:210 公釐(8.3 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):45mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:1.7mm
- 中:1.7毫米
- 處理
- 形狀: 西式
- 材質:層壓複合木
- 抱枕:不鏽鋼
- 長度:121毫米
- 總長:338mm
- 重量:200公克(7.05盎司)
- 馬克:日文漢字「 Tojiro 」(藤次郎); “DP日本製造”
Tojiro 是燕三條地區領先的刀具製造商,該地區擁有幾個世紀的製刀傳統。儘管價格非常實惠,但他們的產品的完成度和數量都非常出色。 Tojiro 成立於 50 多年前,將現代技術與傳統工匠方法相結合,是日本不銹鋼刀具的先驅。他們的理念是提高機器效率,同時在品質和表面處理方面尊重傳統。
Still getting used to the shape of it as I'm more used to your typical European style chef knife but I'm loving it so far.
Light, strong and versatile and keeps it's edge well under constant stress in a professional environment.
Highly recommended
No better knife for everyday use. Extremely elegant and balanced. Easy to hold and control. Delivered sharp as a razor. I am not a Chef, but this is my first choice when cutting meat and vegetables. Great product from an extremely reliable Blade producer.
Great knive with great value for the price. Weight and length are perfect for me, minor imperfections on the cutting edge but after first sharpening session they were gone. The handle is also perfect for small to medium size hands. A true work horse in my opinion.
I tested it for two weeks and i love it ! The price in Germany would been at 130 € and here just 80 !
If you like vg10 blades that get it !
I also bought the dp pro Petty 150 absolut dream too.
After a few days use as an professional chef I would say it's every dollar worth it.
Good cutting session you just go over your stropping leather and it's razor-sharp again !
I bought it as a gift but opened it up when it arrived to make sure it was good. Felt great and looked great. I want one for myself now.