Seki Kanetsune

白神兼正 #2 黑內 165mm 薙切
這款由 Kanemasa 設計的 Shirogami #2 Nakiri 以令人難以置信的實惠價格提供了手工鍛造的 Shirogami 鋼刀片。雖然組裝和表面處理比較粗糙,但這款帶有黑內塗層的入門級 Nakiri 並沒有失去手工鍛造刀片的精髓。這把刀是手工鍛造白神刀片的超實惠入門款。
- 產地(產地):日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌:Kanemasa(關兼經旗下)
- 型號:KC-440
- 刀類型:Nakiri
- 刀刃
- 建築:聖邁
- 研磨:雙刃刀片(50/50研磨)
- Hagane(核心鋼):Shirogami #2(白色#2)
- Jigane(包層):軟鐵
- 硬度:60-61HRC
- 手工鍛造、手工打磨、手工打磨
- 刀片表面處理:
- 霞波蘭語
- 黑內(塗層)
- 刀刃長度:165 公釐(6.5 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):53mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:3.7mm
- 中:1.5mm
- 處理
- 形狀:丸形(橢圓形)
- 材質:日本玉蘭(何木)
- 長度:129毫米
- 總長:309毫米
- 重量:136公克(4.80盎司)
關於 Kanetsune Seki 關兼常 / Kitasho 北正
關兼經品牌的所有者北莊 (Kitasho) 一直在戰前的日本關市製作刀具,該市擁有 800 多年的製刀歷史。戰後,他們成立了北村商店,形成了現在的北商公司。兼常品牌以 14-15 世紀室町時代著名的刀匠命名。北商公司以兼正作、本匠兼正作、源兼正等品牌製作不同系列的刀具,以傳承關八世紀的製刀技術和傳統為己任。
Shirogami #2 (白色 #2)鋼是日本菜刀(Wa 刀)中最受歡迎的高碳鋼類型之一。它不是不銹鋼的,因此每次使用後必須擦乾刀子。隨著時間的推移,銅綠會逐漸形成。如果長時間與水或酸性食物接觸,可能會生鏽。如果生鏽,請使用除鏽劑清潔。避免切入骨頭、冷凍食品、硬果核。
It comes super sharp but needs work which I expected for the price. Needed filing and straightening all which I was able to do with Burrefection's helpful videos. Well balanced and cuts through thick fruits and vegetable effortlessly. High carbon knives take more knowledge and care than the typical stainless steel knife but well worth it. I planned down the wood handle to match the ferrule and sides to a semi octagonal shape to give it that extra Japanese feel.
Blade is ground thin near the edge and dipped in a polymer that likes to shed over time but does help with rust prevention. The white no.2 steel is baked a bit soft but very easy to sharpen. Great value over all and I wont feel bad about wear and tear at this price.
My first nakiri, I wanted an entry-level japanese knife and was pleasantly surprised at the price point. Especially for a Shirogami#2 core steel. I know I'm not supposed to judge a knife based on "out-of-the-box sharpness", but holy heck is it sharp. Fit & Finish is to be expected for a knife at this price point. Choil & Spine is rough, but nothing a dremel couldn't handle. Handle is larger than ferrule, so there is a step but sandpaper & mineral oil took care of that. I happen to like the rustic kuroichi finish as this will be my workhouse, but they have other finishes as well.
Cool story - I was chopping some air-fried veggies, and it chopped the parchment paper underneath as well! I've never seen a knife that chopped paper while laying flat on the cutting board.