Seki Kanetsune

本商兼政「E系列」150mm 骨楽
這些來自Kanetsune 的Honsho Kanemasa E 系列的honesuki(剔骨刀)由廉價SK-95 日本碳鋼(以前稱為SK-4)製成,經過熱處理至60-61 HRC,並手工磨銳至極好的鋒利度。雖然刀刃的耐用性不如 Shirogami 或 Aogami 等更昂貴的高碳鋼,但碳含量的減少和雜質的增加意味著刀片不僅更便宜,而且更堅韌,不易碎裂,同時仍保留高碳刀片的偉大特徵。這是一把很棒的刀,適合重型廚房工作,例如繁忙的專業廚房。
- 產地(產地):日本岐阜縣關市
- 品牌:Honsho Kanemasa(關兼經旗下)
- 刀類型: Honesuki
- 刀刃
- 結構:單鋼
- 研磨:雙刃(90/10 研磨)
- 鋼種:SK-95 (SK-4) 日本高碳鋼
- 硬度:60-61HRC
- 手工打磨
- 刀刃長度:150 公釐(5.9 吋)
- 刀片高度(跟部):42mm
- 書脊厚度
- 鞋跟上方:2.2mm
- 中:2.0mm
- 處理
- 形狀: 西式
- 材質:黑紫檀
- 抱枕: SK-95 (SK-4)
- 長度:117毫米
- 總長度:266mm
- 重量:159公克(5.60盎司)
- 刻痕:日文漢字「工匠兼正作」(本匠兼正作)
關於 Kanetsune Seki 關兼常 / Kitasho 北正
關兼經品牌的所有者北莊 (Kitasho) 一直在戰前的日本關市製作刀具,該市擁有 800 多年的製刀歷史。戰後,他們成立了北村商店,形成了現在的北商公司。兼常品牌以 14-15 世紀室町時代著名的刀匠命名。北商公司以兼正作、本匠兼正作、源兼正等品牌製作不同系列的刀具,以傳承關八世紀的製刀技術和傳統為己任。
我們建議在磨刀石上磨利所有優質日本刀,因為我們相信它們可以為您的刀具帶來最佳效果。這把刀有 90/10 磨削雙斜刃。您應該以相同的角度對兩側進行銳化,但遵循相同的研磨比 90/10。
Seems decent enough for its purpose, I haven't had a honesuki before so it'll be my practise knife for sharpening and cutting while I get used to the blade angle.
Once I level up I'll upgrade, no use wasting top tier steel.
Anyone in the same boat as me I recommend having this knife as a starter
I dont like to write reviews that are not positive, but since they have sent me three emails asking for one i thought i might do one. First of all the postage time was great and well priced, but on the other hand the item I received was not as described on the site, nor did it match the item in the picture. I sent them an email about it with a photo and got a reply saying it was the right knife it was just a new model, with a different steel and handle but it should preformed the same. Which is fine but it would have been nice if they offered a return or partial refund due not it was not what i ordered. On the other hand they were good and updated the listing after i sent the email, so no one else should have the same problem in the future.