芥末“青森 Hiba”切菜板
這些手工製作的切菜板由一種名為“青森 Hiba”的木材製成,是日本最珍貴的木材之一。它深受日本專業廚師的喜愛,不僅因為其卓越的抗菌和天然防黴能力,還因為其質地相對柔軟,對刀刃溫和。製造商故意讓木板沒有塗層,以便人們可以聞到並感受到木板的自然、真實的質感。青森木,讓木板自然老化。芥末「青森 Hiba」在日本青森縣收穫,由經驗豐富的木工在日本新潟三條市切割和拋光。
尺寸 |
方面 |
小的 |
38× 20.5×3厘米 (15 x 8.1 x 1.2 英吋) |
中等的 |
42× 23.5×3厘米 (16.5 x 9.3 x 1.2") |
大的 |
48× 23.5×3厘米 (18.9 x 9.3 x 1.2 英吋) |
- 產地(產地):日本新潟縣三條市
- 品牌: 芥末
- 類型: 木菜板
- 材質:青森木
- 淨重
- 小號:900公克(31.7 盎司)
- 中號:1200克(42.3盎司)
- 大號:1800克(63.5盎司)
- 馬克:日文漢字「 Wasabi 」(和佐美)
使用前用水潤濕切菜板表面,很難吸收食物的氣味。使用後清洗並在陰涼處乾燥並安全存放。 為防止翹曲,建議將板子平放存放。
Best cutting board
Every time I watch a video about Japanese cuisine, I look at the knives and board. Now I have the same kind. The board smells fantastic!
I gave it a light coat of mineral oil. The surface is easy to care for. I knicked my finger and a drop of my blood hit the surface. No problem, a damp cloth wiped it up and left no stain. Sliced salmon same good result. A really giving surface for a sharp blade. It's a light wood which means that it's not as physically challenging to pick up
And its connection to the handmade community and history. Phew, such a deal!
A welcome addition to my kitchen and I recommend it too!
Will last me forever I do lots of task