
- 適合寬度為 15-3/4" 至 22"(40 公分至 56 公分)的水槽
- 可容納 8 英寸至 9-7/8 英寸(20 厘米至 25 厘米)長的寶石
- 輕鬆取水
- 輕鬆清理
Naniwa 水槽橋是將磨刀石直接放在廚房水槽上方的好方法,方便取水。將磨刀石放在水槽上也能讓事情變得更整潔,清理起來也更容易。不再有水流滿您的檯面或工作台。
Naniwa 水槽橋由堅固的不銹鋼製成,可調節以適合 15-3/4 英寸至 22 英寸寬(40 厘米至 56 厘米)的水槽。它可容納 8 英寸至 9-7/8 英寸長(20 厘米至 25 厘米)的寶石。支撐面寬 3-7/8 英吋( 9.85公分)。
- 產地:日本
- 品牌: 日本浪速
- 型號 IZ-1111
- 商品重量:2.45 磅(1.1 公斤)
- 尺寸:18 英寸 x 6 英寸 x 1.6 英寸(45.72 厘米 x 15.24 厘米 x 4 厘米)
- 材質:不鏽鋼
adjustments are hard to get to, doesn't fit my Stoneholder or sink. seems cheap. don't buy.
Good materials.
Using a plastic food tray, this brings the stones up to a much easier height to work on. The rubber stone holder rests perfectly on it.
Superb stable stainless steel whetstone sink bridge.
I like the build quality and ease of use. I find the knobs to be a bit small for gripping and tightening. Having a way to break down and secure pieces together for storage would be great! Other than those two small issues, I really love it in use! I would recommend purchasing this fine tool! Thanks for offering this to us all!