Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Máté Simon (Budapest, HU)
What you see what you get... maybe a bit more

I bought two santokus for my friend and myself. I already placed a new order for some more as people around me tries it and then want to have too. Moritaka looks quite simple, but it really gives you value. The steal, the technology really makes it a very efficent partner in the kitchen. I do have other japan made knives (Global, Mcusta, Kai Shun Tim Malzer etc.) I found this Santoku a level up. The handle is "rustic" some even say "ugly" especially when you compare with the formers. But when you start to cut with it... woaw that's a feeling like "I need more thing to cut gimme more". It makes the kitchen work fun.

As for technical point of view: The "factory" sharpness is awesome however I rapidly start to make it sharper (not that it need it but I like to do it). The first time it was harder than I expected but after like 5-10 minutes it was a dream. From than it is very easy very fast thing to do. The black color starts to wear of fast, but I don't think you need it. Patina comes slower than I expected (however I use it for onion and tomato). The knife is very light, something that is weird after European knifes. But as it is sharp enough you don’t need the weight, using it for longer time doesn’t make you tired.

I really think as a tool you can’t ask for more. As for the look, if you like this rustic, minimalist way... You will love it. If not, you must find another brand.

I think at this price point it is a gift.

And shipping was crazy fast.

John Wund (Crossville, US)
More than I expected

Very sharp out of the box, and very light in the hand. I am still adjusting my technique, since I'm used to pushing down much harder with my other knives. Also, the package got from Hong-Kong to my door in Tennessee in only 5 days. Wow!

Esteban Schreck (Menlo Park, US)
Nicely done at a very affordable price

Very simple in aspect but does everything well. It is one of those knives you are not afraid to use given its price. I have other more expensive knives and I end up not using as much as this one afraid of ruining them. You can really dig deep into learning how to use a Japanese knife like this and relatively easy to sharpen too. I would prefer the octagonal handle.

Peter Carty (Wexford, IE)

Beautiful knife, really light in the hand, the photos don't do it justice.

Scott Wood
Excellent knife and great value. Buy one for yourself.

I have had this knife for 2 weeks and love it. It has great balance, is the right size for most of my daily uses. The quality of manufacture is excellent for the cost. It came out of the box correctly sharpened and is holding an edge very well. There are a lot of other choices available from this and other sellers, but most cost 3-4X more. As far as fit, balance, and function this knife is all that the expensive ones are, just lacking the pretty Damascus. My knives stay in two knife drawers until use, so they are not show pieces. I have nothing against the higher cost knives and have one beautiful Damascus petty from Burfection, however I can buy 3 knives for the price of one.

This is the third knife that I have purchased from Burfection, the other one was lower cost Nakiri (about $60) and it has been a favorite for years.

I also found that the shipping cost was low ( $9) and the speed of delivery was amazing. I ordered on a Tuesday afternoon and had the knife on Thursday. Two days from Hong Kong to Arizona is amazing. If you have not ordered from Burfection, they ship out of Hong Kong because it is a better transportation hub, but the knives are Japanese. Don't worry that you may be getting a Chinese knock off. They are legitimate.