Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Christospher Marshall
1st Handmade Knife and Favorite Knife

Just a little backstory so you know my perspective. I am not a professional chef, I'm just some guy that started really getting into knife sharpening and Japanese Knives 3 1/2 years ago.

I have some VG 10 Knives which I will not name, because I think all them are still great. Also, I don't want to spread hate and elitism in a fun community. That being said, this SRS-13 steel with 63+ HRC is crazy sharp. I am slicing through onions like it was bread! It beats my other Damascus VG10 knife in a marginal way. The beauty of the handle and just feel of the polished spine to the unique choil and smooth handmade handle. This is also my 1st Kiritsuke and fits my cutting style. Lastly, I am extremely satisfied with this knife.