Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Bryan (Chicago, US)
Excellent Sharpening Kit!

I used this kit to sharpen my Miyabi 8" Artisan chef's knife and 3.5" utility knife, both of which have a steeper 20°-22° angle than my other knives. Most of them are 30°+. The Miyabi was very sharp from the factory, but at least two years had passed and I didn't want to alter the design profile. My previous kit (which I still have) was a SpyderCo Sharp Maker, which is a quality kit for more basic sharpening at predefined angles... just not the angle I needed for the Miyabi knives. But they really needed sharpened and I wasn't about to let some unknown person loose on my prized Miyabis with exotic angles. I love these knives as if they were my children.

This kit has really taken my sharpening game to the next level. Pro? Not yet, but I'm working on it. The Zen thing takes time and experience. These stones are pro for sure though! They feel like nothing I've ever felt before, being new to this level of sharpening. I now find myself looking for knives to sharpen, to get more time on the stones. I'm thinking of offering services to my colleagues just to get more practice.

I decided to also add an 8000-grit Shapton Glass stone [****] Ryky's recommendation. It wasn't necessary to get my knives shaving sharp, but it did push the finish into the mirror range which I'd never seen before. I have a fairly cheap strop I used when sharpening pocket knives. It works but I hope to get one of Ryky's strops in the future for proper chef's knives and such.

I watched Ryky's videos and started on an older Chicago Cutlery 8" chef's knife at a steeper angle. I found the angle by feel as Ryky teaches. After working up to the 3000-grit stone and developing a burr, I moved over to the 8000-grit Shapton Glass. Just some light honing there until I could see reflections in the edge. Wow! Scary sharp. At least as sharp as from the Miyabi factory if not more.

I highly recommend this kit. You don't need the 8000-grit stone I added for typical kitchen use. I'm just a perfectionist (Burrfectionist?). Thank you Ryky for your guidance, knowledge, attitude, and philosophy of kindness and sharing. I'll be doing this now for the rest of my life. 😊